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HANDMADE Hand Painted Kitty Resin Art Statement Pendant

Picture a curious kitty, its eyes reflecting the wonders of the universe as it gazes into a star-filled night sky. Each whisker delicately painted with precision, every fur stroke bringing life to its expressive face. The UV resin and acrylic paints dance together, creating a mesmerizing play of colors that seem to shimmer with every movement.

As you hold this pendant in your hand, you'll feel the magic of the night captured within its confines. The crescent moon charm adds a touch of celestial elegance, dangling delicately beside the feline protagonist. And the fact that it was painstakingly painted with toothpicks as tiny paintbrushes? That's a testament to the artist's dedication to crafting something truly extraordinary.

Imagine wearing this pendant and feeling a sense of whimsy and wonder with every glance. It's not just a piece of jewelry; it's a portal to a world where dreams and reality intertwine, where a simple cat becomes a celestial voyager on a journey through the cosmos.

This magical piece measures 2” tall by 9/16” wide.

Clean only with a soft damp cloth.

Lou Hobson Art
Dreamin’ Big Designs

$42 PU Dollar General on Hwy 57 at Holiday Hills in Counce or shipping can be arranged with payment made through Venmo, Zelle or PayPal. CP

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