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Fairy Lotion Candle 9oz - Natural Skin Care, Soy Candle Lotion, Moisturizing Lotion

These wonderfully moisturizing lotion candles are great for both your body and your home. The fairies created these magical candles that do wonders for your skin. Available in a variety of sensual scents, you can treat yourself with these magical little candles or give them as a gift to someone special.

While the candle is lit and you're waiting for the lotion to warm up and melt your home will fill with its lovely fragrance. Once a pool has formed and you blow out the flame, pamper your body with a warm lotion that deeply moisturizes your skin. You can also use them to give someone you love a warm massage.

To use your Lotion Candle:
Trim your wick to 1/4 inch and light your candle.
Allow your candle to form a pool around the wick (the pool should reach all sides of the jar) before blowing out the flame.
Dip your fingers into the warm lotion or pour the liquid moisturizer into your hand.
Apply the lotion to your skin.

Candle Details
No Artificial Colors
Net Weight 9oz (255g)
US Dimensions 4.5in x 4.5in x 2.5in
INT Dimensions 10.5cm x 10.5cm x 6.5cm

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