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Hand Made, Custom Egg Cartons

Calling all homesteaders, chicken parents, and egg lovers! Struggling to keep up with ways to store and distribute large quantities of eggs hens lay is a common issue! Also, who wants an unsightly, boring recycled paper egg carton to be the first thing they see when making breakfast in the morning? Wake up to a cute or humorous egg carton that is visually appealing, showing off your gorgeous multi-color eggs!

Our reusable egg cartons are made of a clear, sturdy plastic and come with a clasping lid and fit one dozen, 12, eggs.

There are 9 sayings available for your customization:

- Laid in the USA
- Laid in (insert your city and state here)
- Laid at (insert your farm, ranch, or homestead identifier here)
- Just Got Laid
- My Pet Poops Your Breakfast
- Farm Fresh Butt Nuggets
- Rise and Shine, Mother Cluckers
- Fresh Eggs from Spoiled Chickens
- Wicked Chickens Lay Deviled Eggs

If you sell your eggs or would like your farm/ ranch/ homestead information easily accessible, an available upgrade is adding your information on the back side or lid of your egg carton.

Can be customized however you would like!

Egg cartons are hand wash only!

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