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I am looking for host families for the following students who have all requested to be placed in Minnesota for the upcoming school year. Which of these kids would fit into your family?

esCAYETANA is a 15 year old girl from Spain. She looks forward to this exciting experience. She is passionate about rugby and soccer. Enjoys visiting historical sights. Cayetana is a happy, affectionate, sociable girl. She is hardworking, disciplines and loves fast food especially hamburgers. Has a large family and is anxious to hear news of her American family soon. **Allergy to cats**

chileVICENTE is a 16 year old boy from Chile who has requested placement in Minnesota. Loves tennis, soccer and watching NBA basketball. He is a huge fan. Enjoys technology, table tennis, swimming, biking and BBQ’s. He is a happy boy. Loves family and capturing with photos special times. He is a good conversationalist. Looks forward to living American lifestyle and culture.

itJuri Stani is a 17 year old boy from Italy who has would LOVE to come to Minnesota. He loves soccer and has played for 10 years. Family is supportive. Engages as a family member. He is a friendly and happy boy. Cooks and enjoys healthy foods. Likes to travel and appreciate beauty. Enjoys movies and tv. He is responsible and trustworthy and excited to be part of your family.

About Hosting
· Exchange students live as a member of the family and are expected to abide by host family rules, including chores, curfews, etc.
· Host families provide room & board and loving parental guidance
· Students come with medical insurance and spending money to cover all personal expenses
· The local coordinator provides strong support every step of the way, including planning fun trips and activities for the exchange students throughout the year.

For more information contact:
Jennifer Conrad

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