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HANDMADE Glitter Tiered Resin Art Statement Pendant

Imagine each tier of the pendant as a miniature galaxy captured in resin, swirling with a kaleidoscope of colors that dance and shimmer in the light. The acrylic-infused resin creates depth and dimension, giving the pendant an almost magical quality.

Embedded within the layers are tiny flecks of high-quality art glitter, like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. These glimmers catch the eye and add a touch of sparkle to the already vibrant design, ensuring that the pendant stands out in any crowd.
Whether you're wearing it with a simple t-shirt and jeans or pairing it with a glamorous evening gown, this pendant is sure to turn heads and spark conversations. It's not just an accessory; it's a wearable work of art that invites admiration and wonder wherever you go.

This eye-catching piece measures 3 3/4” tall x 1” wide by 1/3” thick.

Clean only with a soft damp cloth.

Lou Hobson Art
Dreamin’ Big Designs

$38 PU Dollar General on Hwy 57 at Holiday Hills in Counce or shipping can be arranged with payment made through Venmo, Zelle or PayPal. CP

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