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HANDMADE Resin Art “Faux Larimar” Wire Wrapped Statement Pendant

Imagine gazing into the pendant and being transported to the serene shores of the Caribbean, where the waters blend seamlessly with the sky. The cabochon, crafted with UV resin, captures the essence of Larimar's mesmerizing hues—soft blues reminiscent of tranquil ocean waves, accented by wisps of white like clouds drifting lazily in the sky.

Now, envision the intricate cage surrounding the cabochon, meticulously crafted from tarnish-resistant silver-tone jewelry wire. Each twist and loop of the wire is reminiscent of ocean currents, gently cradling the faux Larimar stone and enhancing its natural beauty.

Wearing this pendant is like carrying a piece of paradise with you wherever you go—a reminder of the calming influence of nature and the beauty that can be found in even the smallest details. Let it be a beacon of tranquility and elegance in your everyday life.

This beautiful creation measures 3.5” drop with resin art measuring 1 1/8 tall x 7/16” wide.

Clean only with a soft damp cloth.

Lou Hobson Art
Dreamin’ Big Designs

$42 PU Dollar General on Hwy 57 at Holiday Hills in Counce or shipping can be arranged with payment made through Venmo, Zelle or PayPal. CP

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