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Are You Being Served? Seasons 1-6 Original DVDs

There's plenty of laughter in store when an unbelievably quirky contingent of sales clerks makes shopping at Grace Brothers the comic experience of a lifetime. Join Mr. Humphries, Mrs. Slocombe, Miss Brahms, Captain Peacock, Mr. Lucas and the rest of the gang for the first 6 seasons of an unforgettable TV show.

A classic British TV series from the 70s and 80s. There are 6 separate DVDs, one for each season (1-6). They are all in mint condition and a great addition to anyone's classic television DVD collection.

Selling them for $10 each or take all 6 seasons for only $50.

** Pick-up in Brechin or can drop them off if it's not too far out of my way.
** Willing to ship anywhere in Canada or USA, but only if purchaser pays the cost.

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