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60's Prestige Teisco-made Electric Guitar

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This Prestige guitar was made in Japan in the 1960's by the Teisco company. It has three single coil pickups, each with its own on/off switch. It also has master volume and tone controls. The bridge has roller-type saddles and some sort of whammy bridge, but the whammy bar has been lost to time. It has a bolt-on neck with a zero fret. The body appears to be a thin slab of mahogany.

The neck of a guitar has a small, narrow D shape. The action is low. The pickups have a plucky, dark sound, and some interesting tones can be achieved with different pickup combinations. There are out-of-phase Strat-type sounds as well as neck/bridge Tele-type sounds.

This nearly 60-year-old instrument does have some bumps and scrapes; please see the pictures for detail. Everything functions properly and there is no structural damage.

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