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School Locker Bench/Shelves! Taking Orders smiley

Made my son a locker bench/shelf for school last year because we were tired of him putting his wet shoes/boots on top of all his things (backpack, homework etc.) The wet shoes/boots fit perfectly under this 'bench' while the dry items can sit on top of the shelf smiley This "Spider-Man" bench is our sons, so it's just an example and not for sale, but we are taking orders as we have already made a few customized ones (Batman, Monster High, Scooby-Doo) for fellow students over this past year. Dimensions are: 12"W x 10"D x 10 3/4"H (Height can adjust to height of boots if necessary). Fits the lockers just perfectly at our son's school...would think this would be a fairly standard size for all schools, but can easily adjust to meet your child's locker needs

Thanks for checking us out - we have 200+ items including: clothes, toys, decor, collectibles, tools, seasonal etc. as well as made-to-order items blush
cheers, Heather & Dan

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