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Win A Free Tattoo

Recently, I started thinking about the process of healing that has unfolded along with the creation of my tattoo’s. The simple, short version of my story is that I decided to get a tattoo to help me remember to stay in the moment, a physical/visual mantra you could say. Over the past 4 years since I learned how to stick and poke. It has become a major part of my journey in ways that are hard to explain, and I want to share that with others.

I got the idea to start something that seemed new to me coming from a western civilization, tattoo healing.

My vision is working with someone to design a tattoo that holds great meaning for them, whatever that is.

I got the idea to start a contest to get people who want to join me on this adventure. If you are selected, we will first have a meeting in a coffee shop or at a park to get to know each other a bit.

We can talk about tattoo’s we already have, other intention-based work and anything else that comes up, any of it could lead to ideas for a tattoo but also just talking about things you are passionate about can be healing.

Then if it ends up happening, we can get down to designing a tattoo!

We could design the whole thing all at once or have a vague idea and design it bit by bit like a mosaic.

Then, I’ll start stabbing you repeatedly……………..…..with a (sterilised)needle covered in ink.

If you are interested, send me an email with a bit about yourself, here are some ideas:

-passions, fears, and beliefs
-Age (must be over 18)
-Anything else you have to say about yourself or questions
-What are you hoping to get out of this experience?
-Do you have any tattoo’s? Do they have meaning to you?
-Do you think the process of choosing/designing, getting, healing from and then bearing a tattoo can be healing?

Thanks for applying!

I will be contacting all of the applicants to let them know if they were chosen.

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