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Thomas or Brio wooden train convertible play/art sturdy table

Located in Camrose. Wooden play table with slightly raised rounded edges. Separate removable topper board, with permanently mounted Brio train track and bridges, from Sweden. This is compatible with Thomas and other wooden train sets. The topper board removes so the table can be used with a plain flat top, for art, lego, etc.
Legs can be unscrewed for moving or storage. Very sturdy heavy wood, original Brio quality from the 1980s. Table is 31 inches x 50 inches, 20 inches high. No trains or vehicles included. Has been used so there is some wear and marks.If this ad is still up, this is still available.
Item is heavy and we are unable to assist with loading.
Please come in person during store hours: 10-5 Mon-Fri, 10-3 Saturday. Baby Love Products, 5015-46 St, Camrose (near Soap Stop and Restore, across from Sunny Boy).

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